The Northern Business Breakfast provides information sharing and networking opportunities to the Northern Business Community.
Grand Central – Elizabeth
Wednesday 26th April 2017 – 7am – 8.30am
Guest Speaker : Colin Martin, Director, Martin Real Estate
“Developing the Northern Suburbs: Opportunities and Lessons”
Colin has 39 years experience in Real Estate and has been involved in many Residential and Commercial Developments including many projects associated with Government Departments.
Colin is a ‘mover and shaker’ and is interested in the development of the Northern Region. He will reflect on current opportunities and lessons.
Our 5 minute speaker this month is:
Alf Sobczak, Senior Manager/CEO
Adelaide Plains Financial Services Ltd – Bendigo Bank
Come and listen to Alf he has 28 years banking experience and a keen eye for identifying new business opportunities and leveraging off existing relationships.
Full cooked breakfast and Speaker: $18.00
Elizabeth Rotary |
Salisbury Rotary |
Bring your business cards and every attendee can put information on the information sharing table.
This breakfast is proudly sponsored by:
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The organisers gratefully acknowledge the financial support of:
St Patrick Technical College
Connect here
Elizabeth Community Bank – Bendigo Bank Branch
Connect here
Parafield Airport Limited
Connect here
Peter Kittle Motor Company
Connect here
On booking we are now asking for payment with credit card normally $A18
(made up of $A17 + $1 to cover credit card fees). If you register your details online below and hit “continue” and then “register” you will be taken to the encrypted Paypal portal where you can pay by Paypal or credit card (you don’t need a Paypal account to pay with credit card). Unfortunately, there are no refunds on cancellation in the last 14 days prior to events or non-attendance at events as we are liable for catering costs based on your booking.Payment on arrival will be normally $A 25 (cash or credit card).
We also reserve the right to invoice people booked who don’t attend.