Latest NEWS about our ROMAC child
The Rotary Club of Elizabeth is sponsoring a child from Bali who requires medical treatment not available in her home country..
On 23rd October, Gayatri was greeted at the airport by our host Rotarian Viv Valladares. Preliminary medical tests were carried out on Monday with surgery Tuesday morning..
We are advised that all went well according to plans and Gayatri should be able to be discharged in three or so days. Continuing medical treatment should enable her to return home in about two weeks.,
For further information about ROMAC, and to see why we have made this a Club project, please click here
ROMAC committee member and Rotarian Oleh Bilyk, Anatasia (Interpretor), Gayatri with her mother, Putu (nurse from Memorial Hospital).
See ROMAC Diary for latest news!