The club welcomed NYSF attendee Riley. National Youth Science Forum is a Rotary supported Forum – a program for students thinking of entering a career in science, engineering and technology. The program is held in Canberra or Perth and students must be sponsored by a Rotary Club. In a very competitive interview process students chosen are given the opportunity to meet others across Australia of a like mind, culminating in a network of friends, colleagues and support groups throughout Australia, which will be of value to participants for the whole of their lives. The program includes visits to scientific establishments, universities, and includes debates, public speaking, hands on experience in laboratories, and social events. In addition New Generations Director John Downing introduced three participants who we had sponsored to the RYPEN program.

Riley is introduced to the meeting by PDG John Downing. Riley was sponsored by our daughter club RC of Playford, and he gave an interesting account of his experience whilst in Canberra.