Rotary 9500 District Governor's Official Visit to our Club – Meeting 2352
The annual visit of our District Governor Barbara Wheatcroft was preceded by a visit to Playford Council's Food Cooperative. Our Club has been involved with this excellent program over a number of years.
Rotarian Linda Moresi explained to DG Barbara the dietary researched food packs which enable purchasers to buy all the required ingredients for the meal in the pack cheaply, with recipes easy tp prepare.
Following the visit, members of the Board met with DG Barbara prior to the meeting at the Grenville Centre.
DG Barbara told the meeting that she had been a ‘friend’ of Rotary for many years before being inducted into the RC of Hindmarsh. She is now a member of Adelaide Parks.
“Rotary is committed to the eradication of polio. It will take as much money as has already been spent to eradicate polio by 2016. We will have “conquered Mt. Everest” as far as polio goes. Several billion dollars have been donated by wealthy Americans for Global Polio Eradication.”
“The six areas of focus for the Rotary Foundation are:
1. Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
2. Disease Prevention and Treatment
3. Water and Sanitation
4. Maternal and Child Health
5. Basic Education and Literacy
6. Economic and Community Development
Please support the Foundation.”
“Membership is the be-all-and-end-all. Clubs need to look after the members they have, as well as getting new and younger members. Find out what makes people want to join Rotary. Get families involved in Rotary.
The RI Convention is in Sydney from 01 to 04 June 2014 at Sydney Olympic Park. The seating will be comfortable with an excellent view from the seats. Trains and buses will be free in the week before, during and a week after the Convention for Rotarians wearing their rotary badge.
The District Conference will be at McCracken, Victor Harbor. The Conference Committee is working hard to put the programme together. Mike Keelan will be a speaker and Ian Doyle will be the MC. The Conference web-site is up and running and registrations are open.”