South Australian born and resident in our local area for over 54 years.
He was an ex Royal Australian Navy Aircraft Fitter.
Owner-Manager of Local Carrying Company for 16 years. Company’s main interest then became involved with Building Supplies, Sand and Metal and ready-mixed Concrete. Later Rolly became proprietor of “Timber Art, Signs and Trophies” until he retired.
Major interests, Family, Work, Rotary.
Rolly first joined Elizabeth Rotary in January 1968 as the youngest member at 34 years of age. His early years in Rotary were spent in learning about Rotary, working physically hard for a younger community while along the way making lifelong friends in Rotary.
He was Club President in 1982/83.
In the previous year he had been involved in forming the Rotary Club of Munno Para, which was chartered in his year as President. This year was a very busy year for the Elizabeth Rotarians, a highlight being raising nearly $9000 at a fete for the Lyell McEwin hospital enabling them to buy a ‘Lifepak Cardiac Care System’.
At the annual Barkuma picnic, in which the club was soundly beaten at cricket, soccer and tug-of-war one Rotarian was heard to mutter, “thank goodness Rolly had the foresight to rebuild the barbecue, so that the sausages were the only things that got cooked”! A theme for that year was Rolly’s desire to include family in as many events as possible and he gave strong support for youth in the district.
He was made a Paul Harris Fellow in 1988. He was District Governor’s Representative (now Assistant Governor) in 1983/84.
During that time he took a leading role in the formation of the Two Wells Rotary club of which he later became a member. He was President of Two Wells in 1994/95.
Rolly served as a FAIM volunteer in New Guinea in 1992. FAIM was “Fourth Avenue In Motion”, which became Rotary Australia World Community Service. Rolly being self-depreciating said he didn’t have the gifts to be any use, but others reported that he mixed cement and worked extremely hard and was invaluable in the team which constructed a building in the short time they were there.
Rolly re-joined the Elizabeth Club and once again became a very active member as President in the year 2010/11. His knowledge of community produced great fellowship, of reconnection with the local Lions, establishing connections with Elizabeth South Primary School, community events held during that year such as Golf Day, Bowling, SciWorld, Markets at Pooraka, barbecues and many others.
Rolly introduced a new form of membership, “Friend of Rotary’ to our club whilst President, and at our last meeting the Club was proud to induct Rolly and Bessie as Friends of Rotary. We will miss him greatly.