Vale Patrick Joseph Quigley

Past President Patrick J Quigley  (Doris deceased.)

30th April 1924 – 26th February 2017
Charter Member. Membership number 279088

Classification: Photography,  Presidential Year 1993/1994
Paul Harris Fellow (1993) PHF Sapphire Pin (2012)

Born in Hucknall, England, Pat came to Australia in 1952 and had been a resident of Elizabeth since 1957.

Married to Doris, they had three children, Joanne, Sean and Roger.

Pat was a professional photographer, well known around the district, as proprietor of Windsor Studios.  On many occasions people would stop him in the street remembering him as being photographer for three generations of their family. His hobbies were Photography and Astronomy.  In much of his work he was ably assisted by his wife Doris.

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RYDA My Life : My Choices 2017


On February 1st, members of our club went to St Patrick’s Technical College to lead and help run the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) program. Many thanks to the other organisations and individuals involved in the program: Graham Meyer from the RAA, Peter Page Holden, Dave Sewell, St Patrick’s Technical College and others. The overall message of the day is “It’s your life and your choices. You can make a difference by deciding to become a lower risk driver or passenger.”

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Northern Business Breakfast February 2017

The Northern BusiJImness Breakfast provides information sharing and networking opportunities to the Northern Business Community.

22 February, 2017  7:00 AM – 8:30 AM  Grand Central
12 Goodman Road  Elizabeth, South Australia 

“Understanding your customers”
Guest Speaker: Jim Robinson
CEO and Creative Director – Jamshop

“Success in any business is a numbers game, so our whole focus is on firstly understanding your customers and then getting more of them with our ideas”

Jim Robinson brings years of experience from delivering creative marketing and branding campaigns for some of Australia’s most iconic companies

Be inspired about why you shouldn’t miss this breakfast at .

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Northern Business Breakfast Christmas Function 2016


NBB Christmas

The Northern Business Breakfast provides information sharing and networking opportunities to the Northern Business Community.

“Lessons from the future”

Guest Speakers: Panel interview with some great young entrepreneurs:

Raphael Garcia from Raphael Garcia 3D Printing and Design

Aaron Pitcher from AJ Plumbing and Gas

Kristal Ruchs from Winestains Barossa

Northern Breakfast Christmas Function with gift basket give aways. Come and listen to the Panel.


7am. Wednesday 14th December at Parafield Gardens Community Club, 65 Shepardson Road, Parafield Gardens, SA.


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Northern Business Breakfast November 2016

Jana MatthewsT
he Northern Business Breakfast provides information sharing and networking opportunities to the Northern Business Community.

“5 Ways to Accelerate Growth”

Guest Speaker : Professor Jana Matthews

Professor Jana Matthews is an international expert on entrepreneurial leadership and business growth. Jana helps companies develop and execute plans for growth, attract and retain talent,  corporate executives and boards unlock their company’s growth potential. Jana helps companies develop and execute plans for growth, attract and retain talent to develop products and services that meet customer’s needs.

Come and listen to Professor Matthews give us some insights into “5 Ways to Accelerate Growth.”


7am. Wednesday 23rd November at Parafield Gardens Community Club, 65 Shepardson Road, Parafield Gardens, SA.


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