Bike rack


Bicycle Rack

The Rotary Club of Elizabeth commissioned a bike rack for use of some of the elderly citizens who visit the Grenville Community Hub on their bicycles. [Inset (enlarged) is the plaque attached to the window frame recognising the gift from the Rotary Club.]
"Makes a cold seat", says Rotarian Elizabeth, "but its great to see users of the Grenville Hub riding to the venue and they have somewhere to keep their bicycles".  The rack was manufactured locally.


Indigenous Scholar


Indigenous Medical Scholarship Holder

Indigenous Medical Scholarship holder Damian Rigney is the student we are supporting this year. Damian lives locally and is studying nursing at the University of South Australia in addition to his work with the Aboriginal Health Team at the Lyall McEwin hospital. Damian is given 6 hours a week release for studies, and though he is finding part time studies a challenge, he has achieved two credits for his two assignments in his first subject and is taking on two subjects next semester. Rotary members were impressed with Damian's maturity and delighted to be supporting his studies.

Wheels in Motion


Silvana Cusack, from Playford Council was our guest speaker tonight, who spoke about 'Wheels in Motion'. The program is run by Playford and Salisbury councils, helping the underprivileged in northern suburbs obtain supervised driver hours. Applicants must attend a forum in which a number of road safety aspects are highlighted to the learners by emergency service people, road fatality survivors and driving instructors. Attendees are then interviewed and rated on a needs basis. After completing four lessons with an instructor, students are eligible to receive supervised driving with a mentor. (The mentors are volunteers who have also received specific training to undertake this role.)
At present the program shares one vehicle between the councils, so spots are limited. Hopefully in the future a 2nd vehicle will be donated to this worthy programme.
Anyone whom is fully licensed and has a desire to help youth in the northern region can register interest in becoming a mentor driver with the Playford or Salisbury councils.
Silvana asked Rotarians to consider this program to contribute further to the local community.

SciWorld Sunday


Rotary at SciWorld Sunday

The Rotary Club's fifth avenue of Service is New Generations. Part of the suite of programs for youth, Rotary is involved in three programs designed to encourage youth who want to persue a science or engineering field. The Science Experience, Science and Engineering Challenge and National Youth Science Forum. The club arranged a display of ‘hands on science’ to complement the Sciworld displays and interactive shows. Many thanks to The University of South Australia who lent the club the equipment used today.

A young scientist tries to see if an additional ball can be suspended in the air stream.

Rotarian Viv, with Dean with the inevitable barbecue

and volunteer Claire selling raffle tickets for a Mothers' Day prize